Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Connor Garnett: A Journey to The Top of The Pickleball World


Star Pickleball Player Eyes Number One Ranking

Connor Garnett Brings Tennis Skills and Competitive Drive to Emerging Sport

Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports in the world, is taking off across the country and globally. With major investment flowing in, celebrity team owners like LeBron James, a professional league merging together, and stars like Connor Garnett entering the scene, pickleball's popularity is skyrocketing.

On the latest episode of the Front Row podcast hosted by former college basketball coach Mark Gottfried, pro pickleball player Connor Garnett joins to discuss his rapid rise into the top echelon of the blossoming sport after transitioning from a standout high school and college tennis career just a year ago.

Currently ranked number four in the world in singles, Garnett details his journey into pickleball, shares insights on the growth of the game, and reveals his plans to reach number one and win his first singles major title on the professional Pickleball Association (PPA) Tour.

0:12, Coach Mark Gottfried talks to one of the top Pickleball players in the world.

Gottfried enthusiastically introduces Garnett as one of the current best pickleball players globally after initially picking up a paddle just a year ago. Garnett quickly became addicted to the sport and foresaw the opportunity as prize money and sponsorship deals rapidly increased. After reaching a professional level on the court in a short period of time, Garnett made the full-time leap into pickleball as financially feasible and hasn't looked back since.

5:02, Transition from Tennis to Pickleball.

Growing up outside Seattle, Garnett started playing tennis around age six. With a court already at his house, Garnett developed a passion for the sport at a young age. He enjoyed being able to play tennis with his family, as he initially served as the catalyst in getting his parents more involved as well. Garnett then built an exceptional high school tennis career, winning three straight state singles championships without losing a match. He took his talents to Santa Clara University, where his head coach's British background led to Garnett spending an additional year continuing his tennis career at the University of Nottingham after graduating.

7:02, Inherent stubbornness fuels competitive spirit.

Garnett identifies the stubbornness embedded in his nature as a key driver of his unrelenting competitive fire and motivation to put full effort into everything he does. He commits wholeheartedly to his beliefs until definitively disproven by facts. This steadfast focus on outworking opponents and dedication to perfecting his craft stems from the belief that there's no point competing without complete devotion to excellence.

9:48, "Tough tennis coach shaped me, made me tougher."

In addition to his innate competitive drive, Garnett details how his first youth tennis coach, a former boxer, played a pivotal role in developing the mental and physical toughness that underpins his approach on the court. With an initially soft temperament as an only child, Garnett's coach channeled boxing training methods to make Garnett comfortable with intensive effort and criticism in order to reach peak performance. Through creative coaching techniques expertly tailored to Garnett's personal maturation, his coach shaped the resolve, work ethic, and resilience that Garnett relies on as a world class pickleball player.

13:37, Growing interest in UFC and combat sports.

Gottfried compares the rapid increase in viewership and money surrounding pickleball to the rise of UFC and combat sports in recent decades through television exposure and promotion. Garnett weighs in on leveraging media platforms to showcase pickleball to the masses and drive revenue critical to advancing prize funds for competitions and players.

19:01, Pressure on sports leaders to secure lucrative TV contracts.

Gottfried suggests pickleball leadership faces mounting pressure akin to major college athletic conference commissioners to land major television broadcast deals and justified financial backing as popularity ascends. Garnett acknowledges the learning curve, but expresses optimism in pickleball executives identifying the right balance between showcasing matches on streaming alternatives like Amazon Prime to establish interest while aggressively pursuing expanded mainstream channels through negotiations.

21:36, Reflect on past struggles, beat the obstacles, and keep moving forward.

Garnett points to the classic example of Michael Jordan contending with the dominant Detroit Pistons early on as a key developmental milestone en route to NBA supremacy and compares it to his ongoing quest to capture his first PPA singles title after falling just short thus far. But he emphasizes utilizing the frustration productively as motivation to overcome lingering barriers on the path to the top spot in pickleball.

25:31, "Top players study film to improve their game."

When Gottfried asks about the missing ingredient to propel him to number one in the world at this stage of his rapid ascent, Garnett instantly identifies investing more time studying footage of matches among the pickleball elite. He explains that the top competitors closely analyze tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses of their primary challengers, affording them superior strategy and allowing them to exploit subtle technical flaws during live play. Garnett places firm intention on dedicating additional hours to that facet of preparation.

27:58, Aggressive two-handed backhand revolutionizes tennis shots.

Garnett reveals that he uniquely hits pickleball backhand shots more ambitiously than most thanks to the natural conversion of his two-handed backhand grip and stroke style from competitive tennis. With many players limiting their imagination of what's achievable on backhand returns due to perceived technique contstraints, Garnett's continued innovation in this realm exemplifies his openness to expanding the boundaries of conventional pickleball strategy.

32:21, Influencers, balancing making money & improving, and the evolving role of social media.

As social media's role in pickleball rapidly transforms, Gottfried inquires about Garnett's perspective on the influx of internet influencers focused more on attracting followers than sharpening skills. Garnett emphasizes the importance of each player determining where they aim to derive value based on their individual strengths and intentionally allocating time between enhancing on-court performance and expanding their digital presence. For Garnett, his priorities lie firmly with tournament success, but he acknowledges the business aspect surrounding building a personal brand cannot be ignored entirely to attract sponsorships.

34:34, Pickleball may become an Olympic sport in the future.

Given pickleball's astronomical participation growth and global expansion, Gottfried floats the idea of pickleball potentially making its way into a future Olympic Games if momentum continues. Garnett confirms initial discussions have commenced regarding the petition process to join the Olympics on a trial basis, with pickleball possessing a strong case if key influencers coalesce around a concerted bid to add it to the docket. He suggests 2028 may be the first realistic target when the Summer Olympics hit Los Angeles.

39:06, Different tennis player styles adapting to pickleball.

In a creative hypothetical, Gottfried ponders the likelihood of former professional tennis stars like Andre Agassi leveraging name recognition and technical skills into pickleball as bigger servers struggle with the transition more than crafty players who can manipulate spins and placement. Garnett strongly advocates for the value prominent tennis figures like Agassi can offer, explaining that their accomplishments and flair captivate mainstream fans despite modest on-court success in this stage. He expects more and more former tennis standouts to test their hand in pickleball both competitively and through special events.

41:27, Balancing competitiveness and off-court preparation for success.

When discussing the most vital attributes necessary to thrive among pickleball's elite tier, Garnett highlights the balance required between cultivating a relentless desire to win through mental and physical preparation while retaining sound judgement and integrity on line calls with no referees present during professional matches. He reasons that the self-officiating element currently integral in pickleball makes striking this equilibrium paramount compared to most other sports.

43:35, "Work hard in silence, let results speak."

Garnett firmly believes tangible outcomes trump empty chatter, so he concentrates efforts on putting in the unseen hours perfecting his craft and fitness rather than boasting about his regimen. He holds himself accountable by feeling fraudulent if publicly conveying full dedication while consciously aware of any shortcuts taken privately. Garnett stresses that only consistent hidden work pays dividends.

47:42, "Staying at the top in sports is tough."

When Gottfried asks about the greatest challenge ahead on his quest to become number one, Garnett explains sustainable excellence proves more difficult than initial breakthroughs. He details the mental and physical toll of maintaining motivation across long seasons and avoiding complacency after tasting success. Garnett understands the obligation to continually refine through film study and training while avoiding distraction. He embraces the grind as the distinguishing factor for pickleball greatness.

Garnett brings infectious energy about the future of pickleball and his own soaring career. With upgrades in areas like media rights on the horizon to supplement stars like Garnett thriving on the court, pickleball's ascent shows no signs of tapering off. And neither does Garnett with unambiguous sights set on the number one ranking and multiple major championships ahead.


Pickleball has exploded into one of the fastest-growing sports, attracting investment from celebrities like LeBron James. On the Front Row sports podcast, host Mark Gottfried interviewed professional pickleball player Connor Garnett about his swift rise into the top ranks of the blossoming sport after a stellar tennis career.

Currently the fourth ranked men's singles player just one year after taking up pickleball, Garnett discussed his background and approach to the game. Growing up near Seattle, Garnett became passionate about tennis around age six and built an undefeated high school career with three state titles. His college coach later facilitated a fifth year playing overseas in England while completing his degree.

Beyond inherent competitiveness as an only child, Garnett credits his demanding youth tennis coach, a former boxer, for instilling the physical and mental toughness central to his unrelenting drive on the court through intense training methods. This shaped the work ethic, resilience, and dedication that underpin Garnett’s ascent up the professional pickleball ranks after the sport’s expanding financial incentives enticed him to transition last year.

With pickleball’s popularity skyrocketing much like UFC has in recent decades, pressure mounts on organizational leadership to further monetize the phenomenon through securing broader TV broadcasting deals and event sponsorships. Garnett himself continues striving to improve through detailed analysis of match footage and innovative shots like his unique two-handed backhand grip carryover from tennis. He aspires to capture his first singles major and obtain the number one world ranking by maintaining motivation day-in, day-out.

Social media and internet influencers have also significantly impacted pickleball as interest booms, with tension between attracting attention online through branding and celebrity versus dedication to perfecting play on-court for traditionalists like Garnett. He emphasizes focusing improvement where strengths dictate. Pickleball possibly becoming part of a future Olympic Games would accelerate its popularity worldwide.

Garnett projects former professional tennis stars will increase involvement showcasing pickleball through competition and special events as more transition toward doubles than singles success. With no referees, line calling ethics also factors prominently into the equation alongside competitive zeal. According to Garnett, above all, consistent off-stage preparation while avoiding overconfidence comprises the key ingredients to excel at pickleball over the long-run at its highest echelon.

Time Code List
  1. 0:12 – Coach Mark Gottfried talks to one of the top Pickleball players in the world.
  2. 5:02 – Transition from Tennis to Pickleball.
  3. 7:02 – Inherent stubbornness fuels competitive spirit.
  4. 9:48 – “Tough tennis coach shaped me, made me tougher.”
  5. 13:37 – Growing interest in UFC and combat sports.
  6. 19:01 – Pressure on sports leaders to secure lucrative TV contracts.
  7. 21:36 – Reflect on past struggles, beat the obstacles, and keep moving forward.
  8. 25:31 – “Top players study film to improve their game.”
  9. 27:58 – Aggressive two-handed backhand revolutionizes tennis shots.
  10. 32:21 – Influencers, balancing making money & improving, and the evolving role of social media.
  11. 34:34 – Pickleball may become an Olympic sport in the future.
  12. 39:06 – Different tennis player styles adapting to pickleball.
  13. 41:27 – Balancing competitiveness and off-court preparation for success.
  14. 43:35 – Work hard in silence, let results speak.”
  15. 47:42 – “Staying at the top in sports is tough.”

Pickleball Phenom

Let me introduce Connor Garnett, The pickleball game he sets aflame, With cat-like speed and reflex, Leaving opponents vexed.

His skills elevated him to top-five fame,
In the burgeoning sport called pickleball – such a fun name!

It’s kinda like tennis though played on a smaller scale, Bounce, tap and slam, make your opponents wail!

Yet Connor didn’t start here, my listening friend, He built his talent step-by-step to ascend.

As a young’un of six or seven years, He trained in tennis which led to many cheers.

Undefeated in high school, now how about that! No opponent could touch this hard-hittin’ cat.

He continued playing in university with some abroad stints, Hoping to go pro but had to pay the rents.

When pickleball came knockin’ he decided to try, Who knew it would set his competitor spirit soar sky high!

He stepped onto the pickleball court and started to own it, His dedication and drive in overdrive – consider it chronicled and bonited.

See Connor studies all the best players’ film, Analyzes their moves, any flaws or skills,

So when real match time comes, he can expose, Subtle weakness that then he grossly grows.

My boy aggressive with his two-handed backhand, Others just stop and stand, stunned, “Saaaay whaaat?” While he slams winners barely skimming over the net, Making opponents sweat even if they ain’t play yet!

With more folks tuning into streaming pickball events, Fan base and money grows – them dollars well spent! Social media influencers also causing some clatter, Promoting personalities more than skill...what’s the matter!

But Connor he keep his eyes on the ultimate award, Fierce focus to be crowned Number One Global Ball Lord! First PPA major win soon to come no doubt, Any losses only make my man angrily shout:

“Imma be the best, y’all know this as truth!” Rhyme intended to amplify his dogged pursuit.

I’m telling you listeners, write it on your walls, Connor Garnett will dominate professional pickleballs!

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